[Week07] End of the Production Phase

Hi everyone!

This week we finished the last production phase. That means for the last couple of weeks we will be polishing and tweaking our game to make it as fun as possible! But before we get into that let's recap what we have changed this week!


The artists worked on the design of our level, in fact we started making a new one from the ground up! We made a new background for that as well. The rest of the changes I will list below:

- Slanted tiles to help the levels design and to avoid players getting stuck

- A crown to indicate who won after the game

- A falling animation for the players

- A new trap that smashes players

- Victory animations for all characters

- New pickups: Health, Immunity and Bounce

- Confetti effect for the post match screen

- Wooden tiles to break up the stone in the level

- A start screen


The programmers worked hard on the movement of the players, and they improved it significantly! The movement feels more natural and the Dash mechanic feels better as well. Aside from this they made a bunch more changes:

- Further work on UI

- Implemented more pickups

- Improved the functionality of the pickups

- Post processing using post processing stack

- Bloom, Vignette, color hue

- Portals to be able to move from one side of the level to the other

- If you don't move for a long period of time you die

- outline shader for characters combined with bloom

- Integrated art, particles and level design

- 4 Players are playable

- Logic for the smash trap

- Dash is now only horizontal and vertical

- A lot of bug fixes

Next Steps

Our next steps are to improve the game in small places. Adding more effects, screen shake, tweak the settings and mechanics so they fit just right and play well together!


DashingHeads_W8.zip 22 MB
May 08, 2019

Get [Group03] Doom Dashers

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